De-a lungul unei cariere de peste 25 ani am văzut juniori, cu afecțiuni la cot, încheieturi, umeri sau spate. Tot mai mulți juniori sportivi au un nivel foarte limitat în materie de flexibilitate, stabilitate, orientare, coordonare și forță. Deși este deseori omis, preparatorul fizic joacă un rol esențial în remedierea acestor situații și poate ajuta sportivul să evite astfel de situații neplăcute.Dezvoltarea fiecărui jucător de tenis junior, ar trebui, cu siguranță, să fie realizată în concordantă cu nevoile individuale după o anumită vârstă. Nu există două situații identice, iar ceea ce funcționează pentru un jucător e foarte posibil să nu producă aceleași rezultate pentru un altul.
Here are the steps in developing a personalised fitness plan and how it can help you:
(coach's observation of the athlete performing motor and specific skills in the game of tennis.)
The first step in developing a personalised plan is to evaluate the player's current physical condition in order to determine their strengths and needs and to analyse their tennis game.Tennis specific movement elements:
- direction changes;
- positioning and retreating from different game situations;
- reaction speed;
- coordination;
- specific strength.
(specific and non-specific tests used in the game of tennis referenced as timings and measurements against control rules)
- basic motor skills (speed, strength, endurance, coordination, mobility);
- combined motor qualities (endurance force, endurance speed, explosive force).
- Tennis specific movement elements;
- Sideways movement, direction changes, specific strength, specific endurance, coordination and balance.
The program will be based on the needs of the athlete evidenced in evaluation and testing.
The athlete's competitive programme should always be taken into consideration when developing the fitness plan.
Player evaluation and testing is carried out in person over a period of 4-5 days.
Player evaluation and testing is carried out in person over a period of 4-5 days.
Enhancing specific endurance
Enhancing specific and non-specific strength
Developing specific movement and posture
Improving attention and stability through balance
Enhancement of specific reaction speed
Balance coordination exercise
Iulia Bianca Ilinca
Juniors balance exercise
Sara Pistol
Fitball Balance Coordination Exercise
Iulia Bianca Ilinca
Specific motion positioning with hindrance
Iulia Bianca Ilinca
Orientation and skill exercises / games
Specific lateral movement
Cosmin Andrei
Would you like your junior to have a significant advantage on the tennis court?
You have two options. Fill in the form or contact me directly on +4 0722 305 458.
After we discuss the athlete's experience and aspirations in detail, I suggest an evaluation and physical test. Depending on the results, you can choose our online physical training programs or in-person training sessions.
Currently, I am in Bucharest and I am ready to support the young athlete on his journey to excellence in the tennis world!
"Colaborarea de-a lungul timpului cu Dan m-a ajutat să îmi îmbunătățesc deplasarea specifică în teren prin exercițiile de agilitate și forță explozivă. Cantonamentele de pregătire iarna, la altitudine, m-au ajutat să dezvolt rezistența!"
Irina-Camelia BeguProfessional tennis player
"Daniel had the skills to coach me, developing the quality of my game through physical training."
Marius CopilProfessional tennis player
"In my opinion, Daniel Tudorache has reached an exceptional level in the physical training profession and I would not hesitate to recommend him to any other top players in the world."
Sorana CîrsteaProfessional tennis player
"Without a shadow of a doubt, Daniel's ability to understand and coach the finer points in physical training has benefited my performance and my health tremendously."
Florin MergeaProfessional tennis player
"I think Daniel Tudorache is an outstanding fitness coach. His dedication and passion for tennis makes him an invaluable resource for any professional tennis player."
Georgia Andreea CrăciunProfessional tennis player
"Daniel Tudorache helped me to improve my balance and reaction speed, which is essential in the doubles matchs."
Horia TecăuProfessional tennis player
"My name is Briana Szabo and I have been working with Daniel Tudorache since 2015. In all these years, he has been a solid support for me, helping me develop both on the court and in my game. Our collaboration, although mostly online, is efficient and constant, whether I'm at tournaments or training at home."
Briana SzaboProfessional tennis player